Secrets of the Wacissa
October 27, 2024 @ 9:00AM — 4:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Wacissa River: 23605 Aucilla Landing Rd Boat ramp and parking is in front of this residence and down the street. Lamont, FL 32336 Get Directions

Paddle the Wild Slave Canal
Join CPI President Ryan Means exploring the wild Wacissa River. This will be an unforgettable trip from Goose Pasture all the way to Nutall Rise, down the legendarily remote and wild Slave Canal. We will go with the flow for 5 incredible miles, stopping frequently to experience and learn. Ryan has extensive scientific knowledge of and experience with the Wacissa River, and he is eager to share his natural history knowledge with you. Many people have gotten lost down there in the past but---you most certainly will not get lost down there with Ryan! This experience will be equally rewarding for those who have done it before, or have always wanted to do it, but haven’t yet had the opportunity.
The unfortunately as such named—Slave Canal—isn’t really a canal. We’ll learn why and about the history. The Wacissa River is one of the world’s most pristine first magnitude spring ecosystems, and is a world-class aquatic natural realm. Experience towering forests of ancient cypress, mixed hardwood forests once browsed by mastodons, and myriad aquatic plants. We WILL experience the following things close-up: alligators, terrific turtles, and wiggling water snakes! We also will see huge gar, schools of mullet, and brilliant birds, such as herons, egrets, osprey, and anhinga. Hopefully, we’ll lay eyes on a limpkin. And whatever wildflowers are a poppin!
You will experience lovely braided channels that few people have ever seen. The whole time, we’ll be embedded within one of our region’s remotest locations. Ryan will share his passion for remoteness with you. Snorkeling is optional and encouraged. Bring your mask, snorkel, and any wet suit piece, if you have one. If we snorkel, we will observe fossil remains of ancient animals and discuss their natural history in the region. We also will learn about human cultural history. The timing of this trip will be such that the lower Wacissa waters may be quite chilly. We all will have to get in and out of the water frequently, so please be aware that your lower half could be cold. You will likely need to pack rain coat and insulating jacket for your top half.
Trip is limited to 8 people. Price includes guide, shuttle service, canoe/kayak and safety gear. Please pack your own lunch and personal belongings. We will supply complimentary extra water and drinks. We will meet at 9:00 am at the boat ramp at Aucilla Landing Road. Pile into our van. We will shuttle you to our launching point at Goose Pasture, jump into our boats, paddle slowly for 5 miles to where our cars will be waiting for us at the end point.
Please do not attend if you are feeling poorly or have any possible COVID or respiratory viral symptoms. If you are signed up, but can't make it, we will put you on a priority waiting list for the next available trip. Trip may be cancelled if weather looks really bad, or if minimum number is not reached. If the trip fills up, and this one always does, please still contact Ryan. He will put you on a waiting list for the next trip! If ypu cancel within 24 hours of the trip, we must ask that your trip not be refundable.
Ryan will gladly do this trip for any groups that wish to do this on any other available day....So please don't hesitate to reach out!! HE WANTS TO TAKE YOU DOWN THIS RIVER!
All ticket proceeds go towards our efforts to preserve the incredible biodiversity of the southeastern Coastal Plain.
Please contact Ryan with any questions: (850-544-5661)